It’s Courgette season! They are flourishing in their new “Courgette Castle”, built specially by Alois (and with my ornamental glass turrets). We have them with a vengeance, as well as new potatoes and, courtesy of the climate, lovely wild mushrooms.
With the weather the way it is (not warm and not particularly dry), it doesn’t feel quite as strange as it sometimes does to have started the annual Christmas bauble production in August. There is the usual feeling of wishing to create a new style for a new year and the desire to attempt a bauble with artistic merit and without too much of the “Schmuck”! There are also the favourites from last year to make, snowmen, penguins and robins among them. None will be put out for sale for a couple of months yet, but this is a good time of year to make a head start.
Apart from the baubles, there are new lighting plans including floor and wall lamp versions of my glass chandeliers. It’s taking a while and a few false leads for me to figure out how to do these but I think – hope – maybe – I’m getting there. The wall chandeliers are something that I’m particularly excited about and if they work the way I hope they will, they’ll literally bring my glass work to a new level! Fingers crossed…